Projects In The Pipeline:
1.TheYearOfMyLifeVR.comContinuumcontinues onMedium.The saga of The Writer and Victoria started in the book, but it continues in real time. It’s the story that never ends!
2. More of theWriting 101 with The Writerlive stream. Check it out onTwitch.
3. A new season of The Writer’s Life Podcast podcast.
4. Another in-depth interview for the Beginnings! How they startedpodcast.
5. More episodes of the Stupid Sh*t People Say podcast. Unscripted conversations between The Writer and magician Ariann Black.
6. The next book in theThe Year Of My Life: reminiscences and rants: nonfiction series. The Year Of My Life: reminiscences and rants: Child Endangerment This book will be about the trials and tribulations of children around the world. In addition, I will be hosting a child endangerment podcast with interviews related to research for the book. The podcast project will begin in the next few months.
7. TheWriter’s World View blog onSubstack.
8. Onlinetutoringfor children and adults.Varsity Tutors.