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I’m working on a couple of projects I call people projects. I’m doing this because I think they are important. If you feel the same way, please help defray some of the costs involved with these projects.

You can donate any amount via the Cash app (available in the Google Play store and Apple store). My name is $TYOML.

Although your donations are not tax deductible, if you include your e-mail in the notes section of the app, I will keep you advised of how the money is being spent and the progress being made. Thank you.

What Is A Continuum Book?

When the book ends, the story doesn’t. An alien takes over the form of a young black woman as she tries to understand the human species. Teaming up with a handicapped writer, who understands the human species all too well, they embark on a series of adventures in an attempt to save humanity from a self-destructive future.

The Writer and Victoria live and interact with the real world. Get to know them in real time as the story continues and fiction becomes reality!

The Continuum is on Wattpad and Kindle Vella, but the continuing story diverges into entirely different plots. Readers of the Wattpad story can influence the storyline by texting: 702-799-9377.


Fun Fact: Victoria Roswell is a duel homage to the Las Vegas icon ‘Vegas Vic’ and the legendary alien crash site In New Mexico.

The Writer and Victoria have nothing in common, but they may be civilization’s only hope as they set out to save the human species from extinction. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Along the way, they must solve a mysterious murder and stop a terrorist plot to start World War III.

VR stands for virtual reality and Victoria Roswell. VR also stands for virtual read. The main character is an actual person caught up in a fictitious adventure. The prologue, his opinions on this website, and events that took place before he met Victoria, are taken from his actual life. I know this for a fact because I am The Writer. I call this an autobiographical work of fiction. I hope you enjoy the book.

Peek Over My Shoulder

I‘m working on my writing projects in real time. The simultaneous live streams are on Facebook (Mark Jacobson), X-formerly Twitter (TheYearOfMyLife), Twitch (TheYearOfMyLifeVR), Kick (TYOML_Coach_PLUS), and YouTube (TheYearOfMyLifeVR). Replays are on all live platforms, plus TIkTok (TheYearOfMyLifeVR), Discord (The Year Of My Life), Threads (writing_101_with_the_writer), and Instagram (writing_101_with_the_writer).

What’s The Soundtrack Of Your Life?

I’m always curious about the people who visit my website, so I’d like to play a little game. I believe that everyone has one song that they consider to be the soundtrack of their life. You know what I mean, when you hear that song and you say, “That’s me!”

So, here’s what I’d like you to do. Tell me the soundtrack of your life. There’s no right or wrong answer and you are completely anonymous. To get you started, here’s the soundtrack of my life. It’s a song titled ‘Here’s to Life’ sung by the magnificent Shirley Horn.
